School Board
Each diocesan School Board has the responsibility for the overall wellbeing of its school. In practice, this means that in a spirit of partnership, Boards act in an advisory capacity to:
- Develop policies that nurture the religious dimension and guide the direction of the school;
- Develop a relationship between the school and the local Church;
- Ensure that the academic standards of the school must be at least as distinguished as that achieved in other schools in the region;
- Protect children;
- Monitor buildings and grounds development and maintenance;
- Exercise financial stewardship of the school;
- Ensure compliance with legal obligations.
- The Board consists of Parish Priest, Principal, Teacher Rep, Parish Pastoral Council Rep, P&F Rep, Staff Rep, and 5-7 elected members.
At St Joseph's we want the Board to reflect the thoughts, concerns, queries and ideas of the community - please use these people to convey the above:
Board Composition 2024
Chairperson: Matthew Butler
Vice Chairperson: Olivia Barry
Treasurer: Denny Polden
Parish Priest: Fr Kieran Gill SJ
Principal: Peter Shearer
Staff Rep: Michelle Edmondson
P&F Rep: Jess Redden
Members: Carlyn Sherriff, Melissa Jones, Matthew Ward, Tom Gilligan
Ex-Officio: Sarah Werfel