Religious Education

The study of Religious Education is central to the holistic development of our students. The purpose of Religious Education is to deepen students’ understanding of the Catholic tradition, to develop an appreciation of its significance in their lives, so that they may participate in the life of the Church and wider society. We draw upon our rich history and values of both our Jesuit parish tradition and our Josephite tradition; our community is driven by the legacy St Mary MacKillop left us. Our Religious Education learning area aims to celebrate and create opportunities for rich discussions around the teachings of Jesus. We explore the humanistic morality that is core to our decision making.
Our curriculum stems from the South Australian Crossways curriculum and given context by our local parish community. Our Religious Education curriculum draws upon six strands: Wisdom; Sacramentality and Prayer; God, Us and Faith; Sacred Texts, Church for the World; and Moral Life. We also explore the Made in the Image of God curriculum which focuses on Human Sexuality through a Catholic lens.