.... to enable staff to do work around Planning and Assessment, Literacy & Numeracy Agreements, and data analysis.
Clare OSHC will be available for our families if required on this day. Please contact them directly on 8842 1430 to book as needed.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Greetings as we journey together through the third week of Term One, which has certainly seen some warm weather. Our students continue to shine, even when experiencing some hot days and we are grateful for their positive attitude always.
I’m continually amazed by the beautiful spirit of welcome I am experiencing at St Joseph’s. It’s been a delight to continue to meet families and learn more about what makes up our wonderful community. The Parent Information Night was a great occasion and to see so many families in attendance really demonstrates the commitment to your children’s education at St Joseph’s.
Our ‘Welcome Mass’ was a wonderful celebration where we were reminded of the importance of being part of a faith-filled community. Our students had been engaging in prayer, and preparation for the mass and it was a joy to see their enthusiasm! Thank you to the families and parishioners who joined us, it highlights the importance of parish and school partnership, which I know is very strong at St Joseph’s. We continue to give thanks for the pastoral work of Fr Kieran, who brings a smile and friendly presence wherever he goes within St Joseph’s.
I’m incredibly proud of the work our teachers are already doing with students, as I conduct walkthroughs, and witness meaningful lessons that challenge and engage our students. Please check in with your child regularly about what they are working on and don’t hesitate to reach out to our helpful teachers with questions.
Our School Board met for the first time recently and what an impressive group of people we are lucky to have, in service to our community at St Joseph’s. A school board has a vital place in the life of a school and provides leadership, industry expertise, financial understanding and insights from their personal perspective. I am grateful to Matt Butler (Chair) and the team for their dedication and service. If you would like to be involved at some stage in the future, please do not hesitate in contacting me for a discussion.
God bless you all,
Joe Hicks
On behalf of the Sevenhill Parish, I would like to extend an invitation to all families to join us for Family Mass, this Sunday at 9am in St Michael’s Church, Clare.
Family Masses are held on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 9am in St Michael’s Church, Clare, during term time. The purpose of these masses is to engage children and young people in the Mass, with the songs and readings using language that is aimed at young people. Fr Kieran also addresses young people in his homily, which is a reflection on the readings.
Our Parish hospitality, with support of families, organise morning tea after Mass, which is a great opportunity to meet with other families and parishioners. We invite children and young people, regardless of their faith background to take an active role if they feel comfortable to do so. Roles include reading, taking up the Offertory (bread and wine), collection, saying Prayers of the Faithful, bringing up the Lectionary in the Gospel procession and joining in the choir.
At this Mass, the Parish will formally welcome Joe Hicks as the Principal of our Parish school. A special blessing will also be prayed for all St Joseph’s Staff.
If your child would like to undertake a role at this Mass, please see me prior to the start of Mass.
The Sacramental Program in the Sevenhill Parish is run both through St Joseph’s School and through the Parish.
Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation: Enrolments
Enrolments for these sacraments are sought at the beginning of the year that the celebration of the sacrament takes place. Enrolments are sought via the school and parish newsletters.
An enrolment form for the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Year 3 up) and Confirmation and Communion (Yr 4 up) can be accessed at the link below.
The celebration for Confirmation and First Holy Communion will be held on Sunday July 27 at 10am at St Aloysius Church, Sevenhill. Reconciliation will be celebrated mid-week in late Term 3 at St Michael’s Church, Clare.
Carinya is a residential care home located on Victoria Road, just down the road from school. Local ministers and priests take turns to host liturgies there on a Tuesday. The Catholic church leads the service on the 3rd and 5th Tuesdays of the month at 10am.
As part of our school’s mission to serve in the footsteps of Jesus and St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, our classes take turns in accompanying Fr Kieran to services held during term time. The residents love hearing our children sing and join in the prayer service. Parents are welcome to accompany us to these services. Mrs Murphy and Mrs Nield’s class will host the first Liturgy for the year next Tuesday, February 18.
Thank you to all families for joining us at this special celebration to begin our school year and welcome our new students and staff. A special mention to our musicians, Mrs Bell, Mr Harding and Evie T and our small choir. Music is a fabulous way to pray.
We also welcomed Fr Kieran back from his well-deserved break where he got to spend time catching up with family.
God Bless
Helen Hay
Assistant Principal- Religious Identity and Mission
Welcome to all new families and students. We pray you are settling into the routines of a new school. We extend a particularly warm welcome to Morgan in Year 5 and also to his family.
My name is Tim Packer, and I am the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander focus teacher. I was fortunate to teach in Alice Springs for a few years and this inspired my passion for learning related to Indigenous knowledge and perspectives.
All our students are regularly taught about Indigenous history, sustainability, art, culture and language, throughout their learning journey at our school. We are very blessed to have nine Indigenous students at St Joseph's and they add to the rich culture we have at this school. You will find their profiles on display in the front office. They regularly celebrate their cultural learning in class and on excursions.
We know that within our community we have numerous families who are continuing the exciting journey of exploring their Indigenous heritage. We pray they continue to grow in their cultural understandings.
This week, we have acknowledged Thursday 13 February as the anniversary of the apology by Kevin Rudd in 2008. It continues to be a significant event in the lives of First Nations people as they continue to walk with us in Reconciliation. This reminder serves to highlight the injustice related to the policies extending to the Stolen Generation.
The Bringing Them Home report (produced by the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families in 1987), says that "at least 100,000" children were removed from their parents.
As you could well understand, this action has caused - and continues to cause - untold heartache and disconnection within our Indigenous people. I simply can't imagine my two boys, Jack and Henry, ever being removed from our family at such young ages.
Feel free to contact myself at school should you have any questions or require any information about how St Joseph's can further develop your child's cultural potential.
Warm regards and God Bless,
Tim Packer
Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander focus teacher
Our canteen service is greatly appreciated by both students and parents but does rely on volunteers to operate each week. Our recent call-out for helpers has not had the response we would like, and at this stage we are looking at having to consider our options. This may include moving to a fortnightly, rather than weekly, service.
If you are able to assist – just one day per term or semester (Thurs or Fri) – or perhaps a grandparent would like the opportunity to help out – please use the link below to complete the form and become part of our rostered canteen group of volunteers. We look forward to welcoming you!
This week, several staff caught up with Deb Lemon to see how she is managing retirement after over 20 years as a teacher in our busy school. We all commented on how relaxed she looked! It was also an opportunity to present Deb with our staff gift, two “school children” for her garden, as a memento of her time at St Joseph’s.
We will hold a pupil free day on Friday 7 March.....
.... to enable staff to do work around Planning and Assessment, Literacy & Numeracy Agreements, and data analysis.
Clare OSHC will be available for our families if required on this day. Please contact them directly on 8842 1430 to book as needed.
On Monday February 10, Courtney Gunn (Year 1 Teacher) got a big surprise, Sid had made special birthday cupcakes for her and the class. What a lovely gesture, Sid.
On 17 January, Matilda and Austin both shot air rifles at the Moonta Sorting Shooters Association of Australia Club. They were in the indoor range where they shot 4 target cards, 10 shots on each card to be scored for points going towards a final score at the end of the season. The club is welcoming new families, if you are interested please reach out to Scott Camilleri for more details.