Primary School

Teaching & Learning at St Joseph's
The teaching and learning program at St Joseph’s School, Clare aims to provide a broad and relevant education that is appropriate to the learning needs of each student along a continuum of learning in the areas of:
- Religious Education
- The Arts
- Design & Digital Technologies
- English
- Health & Physical Education
- Languages Other Than English (Japanese)
- Mathematics
- Science
- HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
Like all Australian schools we are currently in the process of implementing the new Australian Curriculum. This is an exciting time for our school and the other schools throughout Australia. The Australian Curriculum will ensure all Australian students are taught the same content.

You Can Do It!
You Can Do It! is embedded within the culture of St Joseph’s. Its main purpose is to provide all children with the skills to achieve and develop social/emotional well-being. The core value of Program Achieve is the development of the potential of all children- academically, intellectually, interpersonally and emotionally- through instilling in them the five foundations of Confidence, Organisation, Persistence, Getting Along and Emotional Resilience.
Along with prescribed lessons, You Can Do It! is promoted through our assembly awards, sports days, special events such as the School Fete, Japanese Culture Day and Grandparent's Day. It also has a physical presence on personal placemats on students' desks. Program Achieve underpins our class and yard behaviour management policies.
Office 365
How to log in at home
How to log on to Office 365 to access your child's
'Class Intranet' page, 'One note' or 'Microsoft Teams'.
Click on the link to log onto Office 365 from home